Archive of ‘Gluten-free Info’ category

A Gluten-free Tax Deduction?

Celiac Tax Advantage

  A Celiac Disease Tax Break We all know what April 15th stands for…Tax Day. That dreaded day when your hard-earned cash heads to Washington. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could get a gluten-free tax deduction for being Celiac? You just might qualify for a tax deduction if you are Celiac. If a doctor [Read More]

Should EVERYONE Be Gluten Free?

Should the whole earth be Gluten-free?

Should everyone on planet earth be gluten-free? Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, thinks so. Why? Because of this little modified change in modern wheat known as gliadin and how it is affecting the brain. Check out his short interview with CBS. Genetic modification on wheat began back in the 60’s and 70’s in order [Read More]

FDA Rules on Gluten-Free Foods

If you are celiac, you know the dangers and outcomes of digesting even the smallest amount of gluten. Anything and everything is being labeled “gluten-free” these days because it is a common buzz word and no one wants to be left off the “money train”. Just about any manufacturer will jump on board to snag [Read More]