A Celiac Disease Tax Break

We all know what April 15th stands for…Tax Day. That dreaded day when your hard-earned cash heads to Washington. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could get a gluten-free tax deduction for being Celiac?

You just might qualify for a tax deduction if you are Celiac. If a doctor has placed you on a special food diet due to medical reasons, there are tax deductions available not only for food but for travel expenses involved in obtaining gluten-free items. Specific deductions pertaining to someone diagnosed with Celiac Disease are obtainable, so be sure to check with your accountant or other tax professional to know what type of documentation you might need in order to qualify. The Celiac Disease Foundation has a Step by Step Guide on how to receive your deductions.

Ways to Save on a Gluten-free Diet

We know that living on a gluten-free diet can often raise the monthly grocery bill from 1/3 to 1/2 higher or in some cases double the monthly food bill! When an average loaf of gluten-free bread costs $5-$7 and gluten-free noodles are more than double the cost of whole wheat noodles, it can send a food budget through the roof! Nancy Lipid, a Celiac Disease & Gluten Sensitivity expert wrote an article on How to Limit Your Gluten-free Food Costs. She also wrote an article on 35 Basic Ingredients You Can Make at Home. Every little bit helps when switching over to a gluten-free household and hopefully that tax deduction will be one you can take advantage of as well!

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