I’m sure you have all seen on Facebook and other social media realms, the ply for Meal Prep Food in a box plans. I was a bit skeptical with the whole ‘deliver my dinner in a box that I still have to prepare’, but needless to say, they got me with the ‘Try four free [Read More]
Archive of ‘Gluten-free Info’ category
Has Monsanto Met its Match?
I’ve had the flu all week, so no recipes to share because I didn’t feel like cooking, but I did peruse the internet a bit and found some articles to comment on; they’re worth a read. Spokane, WA Sues Monsanto Giant What do you think of when you hear the word Monsanto? I think of [Read More]
General Mills Gluten-free Cereals to Hit Market
You don’t miss what you’ve never tried. Diagnosed with a severe gluten intolerance at the age of two kept me from trying many foods others have eaten before having to change their diet to gluten-free. I have never tried a croissant or a burrito. Cinnamon rolls were off-limits (but I created a great gluten-free cinnamon [Read More]
A Gluten-free Tax Deduction?
A Celiac Disease Tax Break We all know what April 15th stands for…Tax Day. That dreaded day when your hard-earned cash heads to Washington. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could get a gluten-free tax deduction for being Celiac? You just might qualify for a tax deduction if you are Celiac. If a doctor [Read More]
Gluten-free in Portland, Oregon
A Visit to New Cascadia Traditional Bakery There are several gluten-free bakeries in Portland, Oregon, and someday I hope to visit them all, but if you only have time to search out one during your visit, don’t leave the city without stopping by New Cascadia Traditional a dedicated gluten-free bakery located at 1700 SE 6th. Their [Read More]
Should EVERYONE Be Gluten Free?
Should everyone on planet earth be gluten-free? Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, thinks so. Why? Because of this little modified change in modern wheat known as gliadin and how it is affecting the brain. Check out his short interview with CBS. Genetic modification on wheat began back in the 60’s and 70’s in order [Read More]
FDA Rules on Gluten-Free Foods
If you are celiac, you know the dangers and outcomes of digesting even the smallest amount of gluten. Anything and everything is being labeled “gluten-free” these days because it is a common buzz word and no one wants to be left off the “money train”. Just about any manufacturer will jump on board to snag [Read More]
Gluten-Free Flours & How to Store Them
Have you ever said, “Help! I just found out I am gluten-free and I don’t know where to start!” One of the most daunting aspects of turning gluten-free is learning to bake with flours that contain no gluten. As many of you know, I have been gluten-free all my life. I experimented with gluten-free flours [Read More]