Author Archive

Pesto Rolls

Our daughter is due with our first grandchild this August. There are few words to express the love we already feel for this little unborn child. I can hardly wait to play this little piggy went to market, to tickle its pudgy little belly, and smell the unforgettable smells of a newborn. It truly amazes me [Read More]

Raspberry Freezer Jam…so easy!

Gone are the days when one slaves over a hot stove in a sweltering kitchen to make jam for the winter months. Freezer jam is simple and even the most challenged in the art of domestication can produce a batch to brag about. One of the main reasons I love freezer jam–the fruit still tastes [Read More]

Crispy Kale Chips

Making Kale Chips

Scott and I decided to try the South Beach Diet to drop a few pounds this summer. I have found that dieting in general makes us both grumpy. We can’t eat the things we want to eat, at least we choose not to while attempting to stay on the diet. The South Beach is all [Read More]

Moist Pumpkin Bread

Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread

I haven’t posted since the middle of September! The months are quickly fading and so much has happened since my last post. As many of you know, we are now officially empty-nesters. Our home is quiet but clean. No more kids not picking up after themselves. There are days that I would trade the clean [Read More]

Quinoa & Chickpea Salad with Feta & Herbs

As I packed up my youngest son’s room this weekend preparing for his move to Seattle, I found myself lingering on the memories of his childhood. His little model airplane hanging in the corner of his room, school recognition awards line the wall, and a box of Legos remains tucked under his bed. He grew [Read More]

Hiking around Mt. Rainier

There is nothing quite like the mountains. The clean air drawn deep into my lungs filled with the scent of pine brings about a sense of quiet relaxation. Twenty-six years ago my husband and I camped, just the two of us. We camped primitively back then; a small pup tent, sleeping bags and a few [Read More]