I have recently returned from some great summer adventures, which is why I haven’t posted in a while. In the past two months, I have ventured to the Princess Inlet in Canada, hiked around Mount Rainier, zip-lined upside down with my sister in Mexico (I know, total craziness), and camped in Yellowstone. Thankfully no grizzly [Read More]
Archive of ‘Breads & Rolls’ category
Gluten-free Subway Sandwich
Oh my, how life is changing! I walked into Subway the other day and was about to order a salad, AGAIN, because that is all you can order at Subway when you have a gluten allergy. But on this particular day, the manager came up to me and asked if I would like to try [Read More]
A Gluten-free Autumn Harvest Dinner
Welcome to our AutumnHarvestDinner# When Cherie, a blogger from Canada, invited me to join in a virtual around the world Autumn Harvest Dinner, I was all in. Every part of this beautiful meal has been prepared gluten & dairy-free. We hope you will click on the images below and enjoy a fall stroll through some [Read More]
Gluten & Dairy-free Honey-Oat Rolls
What could be more fun than to gather a bunch of bloggers together to create a virtual Autumn Harvest Celebration, gluten-free style no less! Holidays are always a bit tricky for those of us who deal with food allergies, so I can guarantee you are going to love this post. Here you will find fabulous [Read More]
Gluten-free Cinnamon Rolls to Die For!
Twenty years ago gluten-free cinnamon rolls didn’t exist, at least not at a bakery. As many of you know, I recently attended IFBC (International Food Bloggers Conference) in Seattle. It’s a wonderful conference to meet fellow bloggers, enjoy great food, and sample products from all the vendors. It’s also a great time to sample some [Read More]
Gluten-free Brazilian Cheese Rolls
Have you ever tried Brazilian Cheese Rolls? Oh My! I had never tried them until I recently visited my friend, Teresa, in Little Rock, who took me to a little Brazilian cafe called Cafe Bossa Nova, where they served these delicious, cheesy, oh I can’t eat just one, Brazilian Cheese Rolls. Upon returning home, I [Read More]
The Best Gluten-Free Gooey Cinnamon Rolls
I remember several years back, attempting to make cinnamon rolls when the only flours used in gluten free recipes were rice and soy. I can tell you flat out from experience, it produces a hard little bun that is tough and doesn’t rise. It is such a disappointment when so much time is invested in [Read More]
Making Croutons from Gluten Free Bread
There are several gluten free bread products on the market today and new ones seem to be popping up all the time. I was surprised when my husband arrived home from a recent Costco trip with two loaves of gluten free bread! Costco is carrying Super-seeded Multi-grain from the The Essential Baking Company. They are located [Read More]
Pesto Rolls
Our daughter is due with our first grandchild this August. There are few words to express the love we already feel for this little unborn child. I can hardly wait to play this little piggy went to market, to tickle its pudgy little belly, and smell the unforgettable smells of a newborn. It truly amazes me [Read More]
Irony of a Gluten Free Gal
I find it ironic that I am gluten intolerant and am surrounded by wheat fields. This is a picture taken from my deck two days ago. I love watching the combines maneuver the curves of the ripened fields but often wonder if the chaff in the air has any affect on my health. I have [Read More]