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Leek & Asparagus Spring Soup

Leek & Asparagus Soup

When I went to our local Co-op today the leeks were especially beautiful. The asparagus was also alluring in its bright and colorful purple and greens. Mmm…leek & asparagus soup, yes please! In today’s day and age of boxed and processed foods, beautiful fresh vegetables are so enticing. We are a sick nation. A nation [Read More]

Best Chicken Taco Recipe Hands Down!

Take a bite of the Best Chicken Tacos

When my son-in-law and daughter came to visit and said they would make us the best chicken tacos we have ever tasted, hands down, I was certainly excited to try them. But when they started cutting up dill pickles, I was very skeptical to say the least! Pickles? They belong on the all American cheeseburger [Read More]